This guide is written to help you to complete the HealthLink NHI Lookup application form.

If you need further help, you can contact the HealthLink helpdesk who will be happy to help. They can be contacted on 0800 288 887.
Pages 1-2 – HealthLink Online and NHI Lookup

This section explains what action you need to take. Please review this section carefully before you complete the rest of the form.

Pages 3-8

On page 5 & 8, you’ll need to fill in all the fields highlighted in the screenshot below. If you don’t have a fax number, please leave “Facsimile” blank.


The agreement will need to be signed by someone that has signing authority on behalf of your practice.


The “In the presence of … witness” section can be signed by anyone – it doesn’t need to be a Justice of the Peace.


Page 9 - NHI Read Only Access Application Form

Fill in all the fields that are highlighted in the screenshot below. If you do not have a fax number, you can leave this field blank.


Page 10 – Sample

This letter needs to be typed onto your practice letterhead and signed. This allows the Ministry of Health to verify that you are a bona fide Medical Practice.

Page 11 – NHI Connection Request Form

Fill in the highlighted fields in the below screenshot.


If you do not have a fax number or IT Contact details, you can leave these fields blank.


“Health Intranet Connection” If you don’t have a Connected Health connection leave this blank. You don’t need a Connected Health connection to access the NHI Lookup service via HealthLink.


“NHI Access Required to” Select “Production”.


“Front End Software” Select “Concerto NHI”.


Page 12 – NHI Connection Request Form

Select a number from the list in the below screenshot that relates to your organisation. If you select number 12, you will need to fill in questions 1, 2 & 3.


Page 13 – HealthLink NHI Lookup Checklist

Please ensure that you have completed each of the items in the checklist.

Page 14 – Access Security Information

Keep this in a safe place as it has your HealthLink Online Username and Password. This will be used to access the NHI Lookup page once we have emailed you advising your connection is ready to go.